Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Here's one I made earlier

Oof. Busy as sin at the moment, from training and work. Because of that, I thought I'd dig out this old article I wrote a year or so ago. What does being fit and healthy mean to you, and what would you do to get there?


The Difference between Health and Fitness

Kick around in the park - fun and social
A lot of people talk about ‘getting fit’, or trying to be ‘healthy’. It’s the sort of vague New Year’s resolution or earnest promise that often falls by the wayside, precisely because it can mean almost anything. The key thing is to understand exactly what being fit or healthy entails.

Most people aren’t influenced by the government’s constantly changing recommended level of weekly exercise. For most people, it’s about somehow enriching their lives in some fashion. It’s about fun, achievement. Otherwise it would be hard for many people to continue, because the truth is, when you begin any exercise regime for the first time, it’s a sore and painful experience.

Thursday, 11 November 2010

What's my motivation?

Today I met up with my good friend J_____, who’s a successful life coach. It does mean that he occasionally asks you questions that really make you think, but that’s all part of the fun- cheers mate! Anyway, at one point he asked why writing is my dream job. Sit back and find out why...

Like him or not, Tony Robbins has achieved a lot
Around 5 years ago, J_____ discovered a Tony Robbins course, which helped him to imagine how his life could look... before realising that his reality looked entirely different. That gave him the motivation to turn his life around. He treats his life as a second chance, one that he’s putting to good use. Right now, he’s remarkably successful and doing something he’s incredibly passionate about. And the bastard is a day younger than me.

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Fear is your friend

Today, I got back into light training after dislocating my shoulder a couple of months ago. I was a bit nervous: maybe even scared. I’m used to that feeling going into a tough sparring session, where everyone’s gearing up for a fight and swinging for the fences. But this was different, a simple training session with a bit of light grappling sparring at the end. Hardly the stuff to get the heart racing, but I was still scared because I’m worried about the injury, which may never fully heal.

A lot of things scare me or have scared me in the past. Before a fight, I’m scared. That one’s self explanatory: you can get hurt. You can get injured. You can lose. You could get knocked out in front of your friends. I’m afraid that injuries might stop me from doing the thing I love.

Monday, 8 November 2010

Kung Fu Hustle

Just watching the fantastic Kung Fu Hustle. If you've never seen it, I highly recommend it. To be honest, it's absolutely bonkers. I grew up watching lots of kung fu movies, and Stephen Chow movies in particular. He's got a crazy style of comedy known as 'mo lei tau', which loosely translates to 'no sense' or 'no head', a style of comedy that comes across as very slapstick and not a little bit Looney Toons in nature.

 Why is this move so awesome? Well, it manages to marry several different sensibilities, seamlessly stringing together classic Hong Kong kung fu action with the humour of Chow's earlier work. It throws together endless movie pastiches in irreverent but affectionate fashion.

Learning - Mastery and Failure

How do you learn?

One model used to analyze the process suggests that we learn in a few different ways. Some of us learn by seeing something done, or by reading about it, while others take in information when someone explains it to them. Others understand when they actually do something for themselves.

That's how you learn to do something right, anyway. You see something done right, you try and copy it, you don't do so well, you do it again and get better, until you succeed.

Living the Dream

We all have an idea of our dream lifestyle. It's something that you can think about, a crumb of comfort as you go about your work, treading water.

After I read Tim Ferriss' excellent book, "The Four Hour Work Week", I started to think about the route I was going down and where I wanted to be. The two paths weren't even close to each other.

Tim talks about the 'deferred life plan', the traditional western model where you work a job to save up enough money to eventually retire and live the life you want. Obvious downside: you have to wait until you retire to do all the crazy stuff, by which time you're old. Sure you can go on holiday, but if you want to take a longer period off you're going to have a tough time explaining this in a traditional career setting.

So Here We Are

Well, this is it, the first significant post on my blog.

Now why the hell should anyone choose to share their thoughts and experiences with the world at large, or even with their close acquaintances? Especially with something that cuts rather close to pure narcissism and pretension.

I try, not always successfully, to push myself in new directions, to try new things, so by writing about it I hope to share some of the lessons I've learned from the experiences I've had. Maybe I can pique your interest in some of my passions, or titillate you with voyeuristic episodes, or just make you shake your head in disgust.

I also want to share with you some of the more interesting things I see and hear throughout the day, whether they're thought provoking, interesting or just plain funny. Expect to see songs I love, clips from movies, or whatever.

Howdy Folks

Welcome to my long overdue blog.

My life has had its ups and downs, but I've always found that no matter how the shit hits the fan, I've always been able to get a good story out of it. Sometimes I've even learned from my mistakes, although a lot of the time I can be found smacking myself in the head and wondering why I didn't learn sooner.

Occasionally I get things right.

So if I can inspire you to do something (or not to do something, depending on just how bone-headed I've been). I'm also hoping you good folks would be kind enough to give me feedback, on my writing, on my life, or just give me validation by reading and commenting as I overshare.

Hope you'll enjoy picking over my thoughts and meditations.
